Buildroot and Qemu (1)In this story, we will be discussing on how we can build an image for the Linux kernel and an initial rootfs in order to boot on Linux…Oct 23, 2021Oct 23, 2021
Running Ubuntu in a virtual machine on QEMU(Quick Emulator)In this story, we will run a Linux distribution using QEMU( 12, 2021Mar 12, 2021
Approximation of Pi by using the Monte Carlo methodBy using random inputs to solve problems, the Monte Carlo method has a wide variety of applications. The presented implementation is using…Mar 4, 2019Mar 4, 2019
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)SPI stands for Serial Peripheral Interface and it is commonly used among micro-controllers and small peripheral devices(for example SD…Feb 17, 2019Feb 17, 2019
vatiCAN protocol simulation in Omnet++vatiCAN is an automotive protocol for secure message exchanges as described in the paper : 3, 2019Feb 3, 2019
Trajectory generation in robotics using cubic polynomial methodThe problem’s definition is that given the initial and final time, and also initial and final positions in an one DOF(degree of freedom)…Jan 27, 2019Jan 27, 2019
C code & Arm assembly: emulating execution using QEMU‘An Arm programming example combined with C programming in an embedded device’Dec 17, 2018Dec 17, 2018
Vesica Piscis : inspection of square root of 3.The creation of Vesica Piscis, consists of having two points in the 2-dimentional space first, A and B. They both can make a full rotation…Oct 7, 2018Oct 7, 2018
Linux Kernel Module Programming : a simple device driver and a user-level program accessing it.Creation of a simple kernel module; that will create a new device on the /proc file-system and just the basic operations of read/write are…Sep 8, 20181Sep 8, 20181
Omnet++ simulation of a simple ACK protocol.We will be simulating three nodes connected in series, where the rightmost node(sender) wants to transmit data across to the leftmost…Sep 7, 2018Sep 7, 2018